
While we try to make sure that all information on this site is accurate at all times, we cannot be responsible for typographical and other errors that may appear. If the posted price or information for a product or service is incorrect due to typographical or other error (e.g., data transmission), this dealership or 3 Birds Marketing is only responsible for the correct price and details, which we will endeavor to provide to you as soon as we become aware of the error. We make every effort to provide you the most accurate, up-to-the-minute information; however, it is your responsibility to verify with the Dealer that all details listed are accurate.

Service and part images and descriptions posted on our website pages are the representations provided by our suppliers.. The dealership is not responsible for typographical, pricing, product information, advertising or shipping errors. Advertised prices and available quantities are subject to change without notice.

Some products may be sold out prior to receipt of an email. We are not responsible for any losses or inconveniences due to inventory changes.

In the event a product or service is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical, photographic, or technical error or error in pricing information received from our suppliers, the dealership reserves the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for parts listed at the incorrect price, or to refuse to perform a service listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect details.

NOTICE: Some automotive images or video contained herein are owned by third-party organizations, including EVOX Productions LLC (“EVOX”) and Edmunds Automotive Network (“Edmunds”), and are protected under United States and international copyright law. EVOX and Edmunds reserve the right to pursue unauthorized users of their individual copyrighted images contained herein, each of which have independent economic value. These and other violations of EVOX or Edmunds intellectual property rights may result in your liability for actual damages and loss of income to EVOX or Edmunds and profits you derive from the misappropriation, or alternatively, for statutory damages per infringed work, plus all costs and attorneys’ fees. Access to and use of these images or video is restricted by the terms and conditions of a license agreement. Unauthorized use, reproduction, creation of derivative works, transmission, display or distribution of these images or videos is strictly prohibited. EVOX and Edmunds each reserve the right to pursue all legal and equitable remedies against unauthorized uses.

NOTICE: The written content and some video content contained herein is owned by 3 Birds Marketing (“3 Birds”) and are protected under United States and international copyright law. 3 Birds reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of its individual copyrighted content contained herein, each of which have independent economic value. These and other violations of 3 Birds intellectual property rights may result in your liability for actual damages and loss of income to 3Birds and profits you derive from the misappropriation, or alternatively, for statutory damages per infringed work, plus all costs and attorneys’ fees. Access to and use of this content is restricted by the terms and conditions of a license agreement. Unauthorized use, reproduction, creation of derivative works, transmission, display or distribution of these images or videos is strictly prohibited. 3 Birds reserves the right to pursue all legal and equitable remedies against unauthorized uses.